Saturday, May 13, 2006


Mother's Day Letter to Laura

I did get off my butt this morning and sent off a letter to Laura Bush for Mother's Day. Here it is:

May 13, 2006

Dear Laura,

A couple of weeks ago you came to visit my neck of the woods in Lenox, Mass., to celebrate the acquisition by the Edith Wharton museum of a major collection of books formerly belonging to Wharton. I was not among the crowds that turned out to catch a glimpse of you, Laura, and here’s why: I am too angry at you for the callous way you have continued to enjoy your own privilege while ignoring all the grief and desperation that your husband’s mismanagement of our country has wrought.

Can I assume that you, a former librarian and educator, do read the newspapers, even if your husband does not? So you know that George W. Bush is the most unpopular president in recent history, right up there with Richard Nixon, right? You know that the city of New Orleans is still reeling from the Katrina disaster, for which our newly minted Department of Homeland Security was woefully unprepared? You know that many of the displaced children in New Orleans are still not attending school regularly, not receiving regular health care, and do not have decent housing?

You know, of course, that your husband has not even had the decency to meet with Cindy Sheehan, the warrior-mother who has turned her mourning for her son Casey, killed in Iraq thanks to the lying and manipulation practiced by his Commander in Chief, into a powerful antiwar rallying cry. You know that as of today 2,432 American soldiers have been killed by the cabal of which your husband is the leader, and nearly 18,000 shipped home to their mothers grievously wounded.

You know that the Administration presided over by your husband has raised taxes for the wealthy while cutting back on health care and education for the masses. You know that under this Administration, the largest government surplus in American history has been turned into a multi-trillion-dollar national debt.

I could go on, Laura, but it’s just too depressing. Knowing all this, how could you stand by with that grim smile on your face, and NOT SAY A WORD??? What kind of model are you setting for us as First Lady? Hillary Clinton showed us how to grin and bear it while your husband is, on a personal level, sleazy and unfaithful. But you? You are going her one much better, showing us how to smile and continue playing the oblivious hostess while all of Rome crashes and burns around you and your people!

I yearn for an American First Lady, or perhaps a first American woman president, who will show us American women how to live ethically and responsibly in this incredibly complex world of ours, how to think for ourselves and not be afraid to speak up when we witness wrong-doing—even when that wrong-doing is conducted by our husbands, or our sons, brothers and fathers.

Laura, now is your chance to be the courageous leader you were born to be. Don’t let your loyalty to George blind, fetter and gag you. Step outside this Mother’s Day and speak to the mothers who will be standing in vigil outside your front door. Give them the respect and acknowledgement they deserve. You will be surprised at how good it feels to stand on the side of peace and justice. You might even decide to stay.

In hope,


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